You have specialized your research activity on Grapevine Trunk Diseases epidemiology. Why have you found this topic important?
These diseases are considered nowdays in many wine producing countries the main problem of viticulture. They are considered by the International Organization for Vine and Wine “one of the most relevant challenges for viticulture” in the world. Even if we fight devastating diseases as Flavescence doreèe we can learn how to fight them. But GTDs are a problem linked to how we cultivate grapevine so we need a much larger approach to find solutions.
How much damage is currently caused by Esca, and what situation is expected in the future?
The damage caused by Esca is expecially large in Europe while in other countries other wood diseases are present. A recent survey in France on hundreds of vineyards showed that 75% of the vineyards surveyed had the disease, with an average incidence of 4%. In the main wine growing countries it is common to find 15 years old vineyards with a 10-15% Esca incidence, expecially in the most susceptible cultivars. The incidence increases with age up to a certain point, and it is increasing in this century. If we do not change something in our way to cultivate vines it will continue growing as climate change helps pathogens survival and spread.
How will you approach your research area in the presentation at Eger Wine Meetup?
I would like to show that Esca is only one of the wood diseases affecting grapevine, that there are many pathogens to fight so the traditional method of detecting one “guilty” agent does not work. Also that Esca is a unique disease that needs a different approach from the other diseases like downy and powdery mildew. If growers do not understand this they will keep on searching for a product, a single magic solution.
Which are the most important measurements you suggest grape growers take to minimize the impact of Grapevine Trunk Diseases?
Healthy plant material, do not stress the vine, prune the vine in the best way, every single year protect the wounds from infection.
You are a co-founder of the International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases. What are the main objectives of the organization?
To create a discussion forum and where to exchange experiences and learn from each other. To join efforts. Many collaborations between countries were born from this and it keeps on being a really important way for us to discuss and share experiences. This diseases, and Esca in particular, is so complex that the collaboration among researchers also specialized in different fields is absolutely necessary.